Monday, December 11, 2006


"The question is often ask, 'Should every young man fill a mission? The answer has been given by the Lord. It is 'Yes.' Every young man should fill a mission. He said: 'And that every man' (did you catch the words every man) 'should take the righteousness in his hands and faithfullness upon his loins, and lift a warning voice unto the inhabitants of the earth' [D&C 63:37]. Every young man who is able and worthy should fill a mission.

"But of course, not all young men do. A few are not prepared to accept this great opportunity. For those few who perhaps have not caught the vision from inspired parents and teachers, we say, 'Work closely with your parents and priesthood leaders to put your lives in order.' So when I ask for more . missionaries, I am asking for the very best. I am asking for missionaries that have been trained better, earlier, and longer so that each anticipated his mission with great joy...

"We must no longer say, 'Let every prepared boy go on a mission.' We must say, 'Let every boy prepare himself in every way to go.' And let his parents and his priesthood leaders help in that preparation. Assisted by sisters and married couples who will serve as missionaries, what an army we should then have teaching of the Christ and his gospel."

President Spencer W. Kimball

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